Monday, February 23, 2009

TPACK Questions

For the content of this lesson, I will be using Google Earth to show the students learn more about the Revolutionary war and give them a tour of what a few of the historical sites look like.  The lesson comes from Standard 2, Students will understand the chronology and significance of key events leading to self-government, Objective 1 Describe how the movement toward revolution culminated in a Declaration of Independence. 
The pedagogy that I will be using is giving the students an opportunity to learn by visiting a few sites as they fly through google earth.  At each of the locations, the students will be asked to record what they learned.
The  technology that will be used is both a path and image overlay.
At the end of the lesson the students will feel like they have visited some of the sites that gave that were part of giving them their freedom.

Virtual Tour Plans



Google Earth Content

1. Washington Monument

The students will look online at this website to get a virtual tour of the inside of Washington’s house.

What is one thing that you liked about George Washington's house?

Geographic Web, 3D Building (look through the top of the monument)

2. Old North Church

Geographic Web, Wikipedia, Street view (full screen). What is the Old North Church Famous for? Who is the man that is associated with its fame?

3. Bunker Hill Monument

Geographic Web, 3D Buildings, Gallery:YouTube: “The Battle of Bunker Hill” Who was fighting at the Battle on Bunker Hill? What hill did the battle mostly take place on?

4. Valley Forge

The Students will look at a short clip of teacher tube clip of Valley Forge. Teacher tube:

What made Conditions bad at Valley Forge?

Geographic Web

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

TPACK questions

We will have the students choose a poem that they would like to make a digital story from.  The content that we will be using is focused on the 3rd grade Language standards.
Standard 1
Oral Language-Students develop language for the purpose of effectively communicating through listening, speaking, viewing, and presenting.

Objective 2
  1. Identify specific purpose(s) for viewing media (i.e., to identify main idea and details, to gain information, distinguish between fiction/nonfiction, distinguish between fact/opinion, form an opinion).
  2. Use a variety of formats (e.g., drama, sharing of books, personal writings, choral readings, informational reports) in presenting with various forms of media (e.g., pictures, posters, charts, ads, newspapers)
The Pedagogy that will be used in the project is poetry interpretation.  It will be a good way for them to learn how to interpret the text written by showing pictures of specific emotions and reactions.
The technology that we will use is photostory.  This will be a good tool because it is fairly easy to use and the students will be able to see the work they do.

Digital story telling

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

TPACK questions

For the using technology assignment, we focused on helping the students gain a greater  understanding of the sun, moon, and earth.  From the UEN state core standards, we focused on standard and objective #1 from the 3rd grade science section.  We really wanted this to be an opportunity for the students to learn by experience.  The technology tools that we used to help us were Inspiration, Celestia, and Google Sky.  In using these the pedagogy that we wanted to focus on was observing, classifying, inferring, predicting, and measuring, acquiring and processing data, and analyzing the data.  We felt that by using the technology resources, it really helped us to accomplish our goals of our objectives.  I felt pretty apprehensive in the beginning about knowing how to use the technology in a teaching situation because I hadn't had much experience with any of them.  But I found that as I just explored and tried different things that I was able to learn a lot.  I realized that this is exactly what we want our students to do.  We want them to feel confident in themselves so that they will explore and try new things.  Technology can be such a fun way or learning and it gives students a way to learn and remember facts in a different way other than just reading the text.