Tuesday, April 14, 2009

what I learned

The main thing that I learned from watching others posts was that you can teach a ton of subjects with simple technology and that it doesn't take a ton of time. Technology a lot of the times makes it a lot easy because it doesn't require that you bring objects into the classroom but it still allows the students to have a visual.

2 ideas

One idea that I think would be way fun is using google earth in the lesson. It would be such an easy thing to incorporate into any subject. I loved that it was something that could be something that the students could really relate to, something maybe that could be way close to their home.
Another idea that I really liked was teaching symmetry with a powerpoint. I think it is such a cute idea to use a bunch of different things that the students could see as symmetrical or not symmetrical. It works really well to show things that are visual.

intranet safety

I talked to my sister. She is 30 years old and has 3 children ranging from the ages of 6 to 2. I asked her what her concerns about the intranet are and how she keeps herself, her kids, and her husband safe in the use of the intranet. They do a lot of good things to check up on one another. They all know eachothers passwords so that they can check and make sure that everything is good. They have the ability to check on a shared moniter the use of the computer downstairs when they are upstairs. Right now with her kids being as young as they are, she doesn't worry as much as what they willingly get into, but she worries about things that just pop up. They have talked to their kids about if they see something that they don't know what it is or that is bad, they are to just run and get mom and dad.
Somethings that I talked to her about was the risk of people being able to track you on the intranet. She is one that likes to sign up for things a lot trying to find good deals:) I hadn't realized how easy it was for people to find everything out about you, so I gave her the www.netsmartz.org website so she could go there and see how easy it really is.
I felt like this was a positive experience in the both of us talking about things that we knew and had learned. I felt like her kids are still a little young for a lot of the things that were discussed on the site, but it is something she can prepare for when they are older.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

technology reading

The articles that I read were all really good and informative in the importance of intranet safety. I read for my 4th article a talk from President Hinckley, "An ensign to the nation, a light to the world." What I really liked about this article was the fact that it addressed the fact that there is a huge problem and concern with the media world that we live in today, but we don't need to fear. We know what we need to do and we know who can help us along the way. We can be an ensign to those that don't understand the importance of the evils that can occur in the media.
As I read and watched a lot of this material, I realized how easy it was to get into trouble. I always knew that we have to be really careful, but I didn't realize how accessible things are. I think as a teacher/parent it is really important that we show how media can be used in a good way instead of shunning its use at all. We live in a technology world and we need to be aware of its uses so we can function. I think that some of the most beneficial information we have is how we can avoid hurting ourselves and others with the use of technology and it is so important that we know the steps that can be taken so that we can teach others.