Wednesday, January 28, 2009

TheTech Savvy Teacher

How Do You See the World?

By Becca Pike and Angie Permann

This shows the options available in Celestia

Do you go outside and look through a telescope to look at the moon? Or do you sleep outside under the stars? Have you ever wondered what the sun looks like up close? What if all these answers and more were available to you with a push of a button and your computer screen. We are here to teach you how this can become reality.

A look at the Moon through Google sky

A look at the view of the earth on Google sky

A view of the sun and the earth's size in comparison in Google sky.

First, we want our students to be able to understand the appearance and the shape of the sun, moon, and earth through their own learning experiences. We want them to see how each play a very important role in providing us with life through light. Google sky and Celestia are the tools that help us to get a view of these three scientific wonders up close and learn what the relationship is that they have with one another.

Our objectives come from the UEN 3rd Grade Science content, Standard and objective #1. Students were to describe the appearance of the Earth and the moon, describe the shape of the earth and the moon as being spherical, explain that the sun is the source of light that lights the moon, and list the differences in the physical appearance of Earth and the moon as viewed from space. The students were to record their findings in a graph using Inspiration 8.

This provides a fun hands on and interactive way of learning about the earth on which they live and the light that they receive from the sun and the moon. This helps them to see their world in a whole new light.

The students record their data on Inspiration 8


  1. Great lesson plan. I love the technologies you used because they allow children the chance to navigate and learn about the sun, moon, and earth in a fun and memorable way. I remember learning about this when I was in elementary school, but it was a hard concept for me to grasp because the objects seemed so far away. However, through the use of these technologies, children will be able to explore the moon, sun, and earth and guide their own learning. I also like how you have your students put all the information in one organized place.

  2. I liked how well your technology fulfilled the state objective. You were able to show pictures of the moon, earth, and sun. This allowed the students to describe and classify them. I also liked your introduction - it made more sense as I kept reading.
